So did you find the time this weekend to care for a few of your needs? I hope so. Even if you only had a few minutes to find some quiet to refocus and breathe...I hope you found it and I hope it helped. Learning to care for our needs is important to our healing.
Yes I know you're busy and I know you have other things to do in your life too...but YOU need you...and YOU need you to take good care of you. Even when you're busy...find some time in your day that is just for you. It doesn't have to be long periods of time either but you do need make time for you...for your needs... to feel good about being you.
We can't avoid our pain or our illness, but we can learn to take care of our needs as we need them. It doesn't make you lazy and it doesn't make you selfish. Soothing and caring for your own needs is a way to love yourself as much as you love those you take care of. Make yourself someone you love enough to take care of okay?
Happy Monday to you and I hope you take good care