It's okay to cry...it doesn't make you weak, unmanly, girly, or anything else you may have heard. What it makes you is human and if you haven't noticed it yet guys...you are human!
Do men not feel scared at times too? Do you guys always have the answers to life's questions? Can you fix everything?....YES...NO...and NO...see you're just as human as us women are... we feel scared too...we can't fix everything and we certainly don't have all the answers either.
So if it's okay for us women to come crying to the men in our lives...admitting we're scared and we don't have all the answers....why is not okay for men to do the same?
Once you've released your emotions, have you ever felt a quiet comfort come over you? One that lets you know that it's going to be okay?...one that says "now that you've had a good cry...what are you going to do now?"..."how will I move forward through this?". It's a healing thing...for us human things.
Just like us women though...there are people in your life that you can cry to and there are people you can't. I'm sure you have probably already learned this and I've got a feeling it was a painful lesson that taught you that it's not okay to cry. Well....let me set that straight here and now....not only is it okay...it is necessary. But also like us women....you can't get lost in the tears. Have the good cry you need when you need to...but when you're done and there aren't any tears left...dry your eyes and pick yourself back up...and go at it again.
You don't have to prove you're a man by not crying and you don't have to prove you're a man by ignoring your own emotional, mental and physical needs either. You're human and you have needs just like your women counterparts. You hold us when we cry and you let us know that it's going to be okay. Well...this woman thinks it's about damn time we start holding the men in our lives and letting them know it's okay too.
It doesn't make you any less of a man to have feelings...to have a need to express them...but it does make you more human. You won't have all the answers...you can't fix everything...and it's okay...welcome to the world of imperfect people doing the best they can with what they got and who cry every once in a while when the world has them bent over a barrel...you're human too.
Please guys...take good care of you...have the cry you need and know that it's okay.
Please ladies...accept his tears as you would want him to accept yours...hold him like he holds you and let him know it's okay...together you will get through this...he's told you that too right? well then? let him know now...he needs to hear it.
Tears do not indicate weakness and it's time we start changing that perception so that the men of our world can heal themselves too.
take good care of you please