Much to our dismay this has been on of the hardest winters in a long time. Getting out and being able to exercise is often a struggle for many of us. In the winter I find it's easy to become housebound. The colder it is, the worse the pain seems to be as well. Do you notice this too? I used to think it was crazy when I heard people say they could feel it when it was about to rain. I don't think its crazy any more.
Picture taken in Collingwood, ON
Remembering where this picture was taken...Collingwood ON....the time spent with my daughter exploring the shore line and skipping rocks...feeling the heat of the sun recharging my body...helps to bring me back to that day. I can smell the water, hear the seagulls as they soar higher and higher in the sky. I still even hear my daughter laughing or her saying "hey Mom check me out climbing on the rocks". Remembering that day, makes me feel like I'm right there again.
Although I'm still impatiently waiting for the days I can walk again without fear of slipping on the ice, the music keeps me moving and my memories keep me recharged.
Take good care of you.