When I saw this, I thought it an excellent way to start a conversation with those we share our lives with about what we need when living with anxiety.
What did you think when you read this? Would these steps help you? I think they're good ideas not only for those we share our lives with....but for us to remember too.
It will get better when you start to adapt to what is going on inside you and when you start to learn how to manage the anxiety.
Do not pressure yourself when feeling anxious. This is the time for your patience, care and love for yourself to do what you need to help you through it. Coping skills are very important when it comes to managing our anxiety safely. What are your coping skills?
There are many different treatments and it takes time to find the one(s) that work best for you. Take the time to learn them and to practice them too. Be patient with yourself.
And most importantly? well...you need to support, love and accept yourself...without beating yourself up. How you treat yourself, how you talk to yourself, your thoughts and beliefs too...will have a huge impact on your recovery. Be mindful of the words you use when talking to yourself when feeling anxious...are they helpful or hurtful?
Take the time to sit down with those you share your life with and let them know what anxiety feels likes for you, what you need from them to help you through it and make a plan for how you will manage it the next time it comes. There are things we can do to help ourselves through the anxious moments of life...will you love yourself enough to help you? and will you do it without leaving scars behind?
take good are of you please
check out HighAnxieties.org