Have you ever been hung by your own thoughts?
I can admit it...I've been hung...a few times actually...and it took me some time to gain control again.
If you've been here you know how painful it is to be trapped in your own mind by your own thoughts...hung.
When you're here, are your thoughts your own or are they rehashed versions of someone else's negativity? Give it some thought please. What do your thoughts sound like? Are they true to where you are in your life now or even to the life you're moving towards?
Changing how we think is difficult I won't lie to you. You are changing a life time of thoughts and learning and it will take time...but you can change your thoughts...and by changing your thoughts...you can change your life moving forward.
Changing our thoughts comes down to three basic steps...
Recognize - recognize the negative thought for what it is...NEGATIVE and not helping you. Being able to recognize a negative thought for what it is takes time and it takes practice...but don't stop trying. When you notice yourself talking to you negatively STOP! with love and care for yourself...just stop.
Reject - once you've stopped...reject the negative thoughts you're thinking about. They aren't helpful...they aren't healthy...and they won't get you moving forward in your life. They will only keep you hung up...stuck. It may take some time before you're able to recognize a negative thought for what it is and not the truth you think it is...but in time you will get better at this. Don't stop trying!
Replace - replace the negative thought train in your head with the things you know to be the truth of who you are...the positives that make you the amazing person you are today. You have them...but you need to remind yourself of these traits as much as you remind yourself about what you think and feel are the negatives.
When your thoughts are self-defeating you will win the fight but you will also beat yourself up in the process. Recognize, reject and replace your thoughts and keep moving forward. Life comes with negatives and we can't avoid that...but I do believe the good of our lives deserves equal argument in the value of our life and our thoughts.
take good care of you okay?
Picture found on-line at Dystopia Inside of Me on Facebook