I've had days like this...days when I've felt so much and I've been confused by it all...my brain is mush and I don't like it.
It can be hard sometimes putting words to how we feel when we're feeling so much. Words are jumbled, feelings are high and emotions are hurting.
How do you work through this? Do you journal your thoughts till you can make some sense out of them? Do you talk to yourself trying to work yourself through it? If so...how do you do it? Do you beat yourself up for feeling this way? Do you talk to yourself with love and encouragement? What words do you use? Not only with yourself...but how do you communicate this to those in your life? or do you?
If you can't put your finger on what your feelings are...and you don't like it...what can you do about that? What can you do for you?
Here are just a few examples....
What am I feeling?
Why am I feeling this way?
What happened to cause this feeling?
Is this feeling related to my present...my past...or even the future? (when)
Who can I talk to about this?
Who can I turn to for help?
What can I do about how I'm feeling? (without beating myself up...how can I support myself?)
For every feeling you can acknowledge...ask yourself these questions. Explore your thoughts and answers. The more we can learn about what we're feeling and why...we can learn to change them into more productive thoughts moving forward.
Here are a few more questions to give some thought to....
What is in my control to change?
What can I do to change those things?
What can I do to care for myself through this period?
And here's a few answers for you...
I can find the things in my life that I enjoy doing and go do them
I can journal my thoughts
I can listen to music
I can go for a walk in nature
I can spend time with a friend
I can take a bubble bath
I can read a book
I can accept that I can't change my past but I can change what I do now moving forward
I can talk to myself nicer than I have been
I can forgive myself
I can curl up in my blanket and give myself a break
I can talk to myself gently. I don't have to beat myself up for having so many feelings
I can accept that I may not be able to control what comes into my life but I can control what I do about it and how I respond
When you're not sure how you're feeling but you know you don't like...find the things you do like and go spend time doing those things instead. Spend time by yourself if you need or call and see a friend. Do the things that make you feel good to be you...the things that soothe and calm you.
Often when we stop thinking of a problem...the solution comes to us. And sometimes? we need to stop sweating the small stuff and just let it go. Life is an uncontrollable thing...and sometimes we just need to learn how to sit back and enjoy the ride. The bad times won't last and neither will the good...both are an equal part of beautiful and painful life. Live yours to the fullest and be gentle with yourself okay? and your thoughts and emotions too.
take good care of you please
meme found at Abandonment Issues on Facebook - original source unknown