Today I'd like to share something with you that was sent to me by a friend of the website. I hope you will enjoy it.
I HAVE LEARNT . . . . . . .
Christine Shaw
I have learnt that you are very vulnerable when caring and giving yourself to others, and you usually end up shooting yourself in the foot. The price you pay is often higher than you anticipated, but because we are not created to live in isolation it is usually worthwhile to take the risk.
I have learnt that even though the truth is a clear as daylight, the majority will never see it as it is.
I have learnt that everything has a price, but that the value of what really matters cannot be measured.
I have learnt what loneliness means; being alone amongst people, and alone; that everybody has their own problems and that people carry on with their lives, and that there are only a few exceptions.
I have learnt that longing cannot always be explained; that a heartache does not have a beginning or an end; and both can unexpectedly descend upon you and take you out.
I have learnt that everyone has “issues” - myself included. Everyone makes mistakes, and I do not have the right to judge anyone.
I have learnt that others sometimes try to tell you what is good for you, offer advice; that it is good to listen to advice, but that only you can make your own decisions; that the majority normally don’t have a clue of what they are talking about, and often speak without thinking.
I have learnt, and I am still learning, to wait . . . . . . it is difficult.
I have learnt that what you gain does not necessarily make-up for what you have lost, and even though what you gain may better for you, winning is still not everything; that in some situations no one wins, and everyone loses.
I have learnt that the most difficult person to forgive is yourself.
I have learnt that it is a painful process to let go; a process without a beginning, or end that can tear your heart apart, leaving you the difficult task of putting pieces that don’t always fit anymore, together again, but that the reconstructed pieces are sometimes the beginning of a new artwork or creation.
I always believed that there is not always a reason for everything that happens in life, until I reached a stage where I thought that there might well be a reason behind everything. Yet through the lessons that I have learnt I am inclined to revert to my former belief that there is not always a reason. You don’t always understand the things that happen to you in life, but you do have a choice as to how you react, and the situation does not control you.
I have also learnt, and am still learning, that your simple right to choose can knock you out; one option not necessarily being better than another but just as bad. There will always be people who will disapprove and condemn your decisions.
I have learnt that other people’s opinions of me do not change who I am.
I have learnt that the correct path to follow is not always clear and that it is often by just taking the first step that you figure-out the way forward. Sometimes it is better to follow your heart and not your head.
I have learnt that peace at all costs, isn’t really peace at all and that one cannot put a price on true peace.
I have learnt that things that look simple and easy initially, can actually be more difficult than many other things and that the consequences are often only felt the following day, or even a week (or more) later.
I have learnt, and continue to learn, to appreciate and be grateful. I am grateful. I have abundance.
I have learnt that just when you think you have learnt all, there is more to learn . .. . . . . . .