BUT...I do know this...and it was a painful lesson to learn too...but I know it now...
The world does not determine who we are....WE do that. No matter what happens in our lives...we determine who and what we are...no one but us.
We are the things that makes our hearts sing...we are the things we care about and love...we are what makes our hearts race and we are what fills us with joy.
What makes your heart race and your soul cry out? What makes your skin feel goosebumps and electrified? What makes you smile and feel empowered, courageous and strong? What is in your heart that makes you feel love? What are your life passions and in your dreams? Those are the real things of who you are. Have you lost sight of that lately?
The world can't take that away from you...no one can...it's the real of who you are and it's the real of who I am too...it's us. Yes our pain may be a part of us now too...but it's not all we are...and we need to remember that. We are what makes our hearts race and we are our passions and our dreams too. We are all that and so much more still....and no matter what comes in our lives...we cannot let it make us ugly...WE CAN'T.
Hold on to who you really are and let your heart sing and your soul soar...
take good care of you okay and don't let it make you hard
thank you to Stephanie Bennett-Henry the amazing author of Poetry of S.L.