No one has the right to invalidate your struggles because they "got through it just fine."
No one has the right to tell you to suck it up because other people have it "worse."
Hardships are not comparable.
Your struggles are real, legitimate, and just as difficult as anyone else's.
Now here's my take on that....
Throughout my journey, I've heard some pretty hurtful things and I'm sure you have too. Things that have made you question yourself, your worth, and many other things too. I would be willing to bet that you may have even told some of these things to yourself. Have you? Can you be honest? Have you ever said to yourself..."what am I complaining about when there are others who have it worse?" I've said it to myself...I'll be honest...I've said it to myself when I've seen someone I thought was "worse off" than me. I've compared myself. Have you? What else have you said to yourself?
When you hear negative comments from others...what thoughts go through your head? Do you ever use the statements from others to confirm your own negative thoughts? Do you use them to beat yourself down further? Do they confirm how you feel and even think about yourself and your life? Tough personal questions I know but give them some thought okay? The more you can understand your thoughts and where they're coming from (or even who they're coming from) you can start changing them! Yes you can!
BUT you know what? NO ONE has the right to diminish, or invalidate your journey...NOT EVEN you!
My journey is as unique as I am. Your journey is as unique as you are. What helps me may not help you. How you think and feel may not be how I think and feel. My life experiences are different than your life experiences. But to compare ourselves to each other? Well that diminishes our uniqueness...what makes us us...what makes us each special in our own ways...and we don't have that right! NO! we do not!
We all face struggles in life, and how those struggles impact us will be different...because we are different and the only person we should be comparing ourselves to is the person we were yesterday...always trying to be better than the person we were the day(s) before. That is our challenge! Not to compare ourselves to anyone but our own selves...always trying to improve...our thoughts, our eating habits, our coping skills, how we show our family and friends we love them, and how we communicate with those in our lives (and more!...we can improve).
Please...don't invalidate yourself...but celebrate all that you are! because YOU are a unique part of this world...perfect in your imperfections yet perfectly YOU!
take good care of you eh? and stop comparing yourself will ya huh?
(ha! I made it through a RANT without a language warning :) now ain't that something)