Each of these organs feels the effects and in turn...our bodies suffer.
Pain levels soar and emotions drop. We're tired, we're hurting and we don't cope well. Is this true for you?
How does the inflammation in your body affect you?
What do you do to help yourself?
We can often make the inflammation in our bodies worse when we push ourselves past our limits... ignoring our needs.
How do you treat the inflammation in your body? Many prescription medications used to combat this issue can cause other problems within our bodies, and need to be used with care and consideration...with an open line of communication with you doctor. Over the counter (OTC) medications can help as well but again there are side effects and not all OTC medications are safe for people living with Diabetes, high blood pressure and even some heart conditions. Speak to your doctor or pharmacist before using any form of medication and only use as directed.
However you choose...make the choice with education and awareness and do please give consideration to the non-medicinal ways you can help to reduce the inflammation you experience. Non-medicinal options include...some light exercise and gentle movement, the use of heat (water, heating pad, hot water bottle), and there are even some foods that will help reduce the inflammation naturally...explore them.
take good care of you and I hope you explore your options...you do have them.