Have you recognized parts of your life in the entries? It's okay if you have...and it's okay if you're not quite ready to yet. But I do hope that the entries shared have gotten you thinking about how you are using your prescriptions. You do have choices! and there is help available.
Being able to acknowledge you have an issue with your prescriptions is a big step...believing you're strong enough to handle it is another. Asking for help? well...that is hard...BUT...you are worth the help! You just need to believe it and you need to ask for it.
The entries are saved in the Health & Wellness category for future reference if you need. Use the entries to start the conversation. If you know and love someone who may be struggling...share the entries and ask if they need help. They may be too shy or embarrassed to ask...so let them know you're there and are ready to help.
The hardest battle you will ever fight is for yourself against yourself...fight for you! Be brave enough to get the help you need, for the recovery you deserve.
please...I say this often...but it's so important...take good care of you okay?