How many times have you come from home from a long day and said... "its so good to be home"? When you're struggling with the pressures of your world, do you have a special spot in your house that you go to to calm yourself? When feeling stressed from life or even feeling your pain...your "special spot" is soothing to your needs. You may even head to a work-shop or garage, possibly even a garden if your "special spot" is outside of your home.
- keep your home cleared of excess clutter - a cluttered home can be overwhelming to the senses
- light a scented candle that you find soothing - aroma-therapy can help relieve stress by focusing on the scent and breathing deep slow breaths in and a slow exhale out
- have items in your home that you find visually soothing - pictures of holidays and other positive memories are a good idea
- try painting a room in your home your favourite colour - sometimes our mood can be lifted by the colours in our surroundings
- have comfortable pillows, possibly a blanket, to support your relaxation
- keep the lighting low - bright lights are harsh and hard on the senses when feeling over-whelmed
- use visualization relaxation exercises while in your spot, or listening to music that you find calming, may also help
Whether your "special spot" is inside or outside of your home, when you walk in, do you instantly feel your body relax? Do you notice the smells in the room? Are your senses heightened by just being there? Feels good doesn't it? These are the feelings you can teach yourself to experience when pain tries taking control.
Whatever you can do in your home environment to de-stress and re-energize yourself is key. When the world is raging outside and even in our bodies, what we do to soothe ourselves is a key component to an assertive approach to living with pain.
Take good care of you