Thoughts were distorted, the picture was off, things were out of wack...just like a fun house mirror and no matter what I did...I couldn't make my reflection "normal" again.
The journey through pain is like a fun-house mirror... things aren't always what they appear to be. We see ourselves changing in ways we can't always control. We see it and we feel it yet the people around us say "you don't like you're hurting".... but inside? it's the fun-house mirror.
Now that pain is a part of your life...are your views and thoughts distorted? Do you still see a way to live your life...even if it's a hurting one? Do you think it's possible for you to chase and even obtain your dreams? What about your thoughts on yourself? Have they become distorted too? Personal questions I know and I have more to ask you...but please do give them some thought.
When you look in the mirror...what do you see? Have you taken the negative things you've heard in your life and have you made those words your own? What's your self-esteem like? Your self-confidence? Your belief in yourself and your strengths and abilities? Have they become distorted too?
Living a hurting life is possible, but it really does matter how and what we think and it matters how we talk to ourselves. If your views, thoughts, and feelings are distorted...what can you do now moving forward to change that? What are you really capable of? Are you ready to find out?
It takes time to appreciate all that you see in the mirror...but I hope you will give yourself a second glance...even a third one too. YOU are more than you see! Challenge your thoughts...change your thoughts...and please...
take good care of you
picture found on-line - original source unknown