A flare day is when your "normal" pain is up and your functional abilities are down. Your patience may be out the window and your communication skills are gone too...as is your energy.
What does a bad flare day look like for you?
What do you do for yourself to soothe your pain emotionally, mentally, and physically?
How do you talk to yourself when you're feeling a bad flare day?
We can't change our illness but we can change how we manage it and how we care for ourselves during the bad flare days. What we do for us needs to be healing for our needs...soothing for our bodies...and done without leaving scars behind. If one thing doesn't work...don't give up! Keep trying until you find what calms and soothes you.
Please give some thought to what you can do for you if you're feeling a bad flare day with your pain and then go do it! Talk kindly with love and care to yourself and know that you're doing the best you can...and that is always enough. Some days...it's okay if the only thing you do is breathe...just keep breathing okay?
take good care of you