Maybe who's hugging you whispers "it's going to be okay" and you can actually believe it...even if for just that moment...it is going to be okay.
Can you feel it? Can you remember what that felt like? It's an amazing feeling isn't it?
You know it's true. Hugs do work. They really are a feel good thing. Now I'm not talking about the dead fish hugs...you know the ones...where the person seems afraid to even touch you or to get close to you, so they just awkwardly pat or slap your back? Yeah those ones! I call them the dead fish hugs. They don't work!
The hugs that release our natural hormones are the hugs that hold us tight. The ones that squeeze us hard and the hugs that come with feelings. Those hugs are healing hugs and we as humans need them. We are a physical bunch aren't we? But all kidding aside...when was the last time you grabbed hold of someone and just hugged them? When was the last time you allowed yourself to be held and hugged?
Well then silly, what are you waiting for? Grab a hold of someone and hug them! And let them hug you back! LOL oh I should probably add that it's not a good idea to just grab any stranger and hug them...it works best when you know the person :)
take good care of you and hugs someone will ya?