Have you had a "ME day" lately? No? why not? Do you not think that you deserve a day to focus on your needs whatever they may be? I think you do! so...when will you take the time to focus on you?
And if you said yes....good for you!! when is the next one and what did you do? I hope you smiled silly and did something that makes you feel good about being you whatever it may be.
"ME days" are not days to be negative about the pain you are experiencing..."ME days" are the days where you promise yourself to do whatever you may need to help you feel good. There is nothing wrong with taking a day to focus on your needs. There is no self-beating allowed during these days either...only things that lift you up and make you feel all good inside.
If you can't plan a ME day...don't forget about the ME minutes...those little blocks of time in your day where you can take a few minutes to do something good for you to pick yourself up or to soothe your bodies needs.
take good care of you and plan a ME day...oh and remember too....taking care of your physical, emotional, or mental needs does not mean that you are selfish or greedy!...it means that you love yourself enough to take care of yourself when you need it...put your needs first for a change and take good care of you!