When was the last time you took a ME Day? What did you do for you? If you haven't taken one yet...why not?
Taking a ME Day is not selfish, it's actually one of the healthiest things you can do for yourself. To attend to your own needs, to do what makes you feel good, to do what soothes you...it's a feel good thing and we need us to do this.
So if you haven't taken a ME Day...when will you? What soothes and cares for your needs? Do you know yet? If you're saying no...spend some time and learn what does this for you.
It can be simple things like your favourite comfy clothes, a favourite snack or meal...it's anything that makes you relax and unwind. It's time spent with friends laughing, time spent with the music that lifts you up....it's time spent focusing on you. Perhaps it's time spent with your hobbies and art...something that allows you to live beyond your pain even if only for a little while. It's time spent soothing yourself.
So I ask again...if you haven't take a ME Day lately...when will you? It's a healthy healing goal and it's one you can gift to yourself. I hope you will.
take good care of you
thank you to Smart Assy on Facebook for the pic