To live with a chronic illness and have money is a lot easier than without it. With money, you don't have to balance your medical needs with your rent, or even your groceries. You can afford both without having to choose between them. Simple fact is, many of us are living on a disability pension or some other form of social assistance, and we're struggling to meet our needs and to make ends meet. And then there are people who are busting their bodies to go to work because they have bills to pay and they simply can't afford not to work even though they would like to.
It makes me wonder how it's not about the money sometimes when you can't buy basic necessities or get the treatment you need because you don't have the money.
Let's face it...being "sick" costs money and often we just don't have it.
How we each define the quality of our lives, is different. Some may say that their belongings bring them quality, some may disagree. Some may say that their homes dictate the quality of their loves and yet, others still would disagree. When you think of your life...what brings it quality?
Quality of life is not something anyone else can give to you either...it's up to you to decide if your life has quality or not. Is it your car? your home? your belongings? is it the restaurants you go to each week or the clothes you buy? No, (at least not in my mind), though I will admit it once was. How do you define your life's quality?
Is the quality of your life in the love you give to others? Is there quality in your thoughts and your words? Is the quality of your life in your relationships with yourself and others? What about the times spent in nature or doing the things that make you smile and feel good? Could there be quality there?
Having my life turned upside down and backwards has taught me a new level of appreciation and what life is all about. It's true...it's not about the quantity of money in your bank account...it's about the quality of your life...your thoughts, your loved ones...it's in the little moments of our lives. The things that inspire us and leave us feeling a sense of awe and wonderment....now that's quality.
If you're struggling right now with the quality of your life...what can you do about it?
Really think about what's important in life and live that truth to the best of your abilities each and every day. Do not let anyone else dictate the quality of who you are or the life you live...that's up to you! They aren't living your life...you are!
I guess what I'm saying is, that even though we may be living a hurting life now...our lives still have quality...and it's up to us to define it and to live it for ourselves. It's not about the money...it's about what you do with what you got.
take good care of you please
picture found at Chilled Chicks on Facebook - original source unknown