So how has your week been? What did you do this week to soothe, settle and care for your needs and your pain? Have you done anything for you yet? I hope so...but if you haven't ...when will you?
I do this little reminder on Fridays just to get you thinking about yourself for a change...but really? this can be done any day of the anytime of the just have to choose to do it for yourself.
What soothes your pain? emotionally, mentally and physically...what makes you feel good? What makes you smile beyond your pain? What helps you to be as active and present in your life as you're able? What helps you? When we know what helps us...we're better able to manage and prepare for our pain, and we're better able to live our lives the way we want...not the way our pain may dictate.
So I ask you again...what have you done this week to soothe your needs? to care for yourself? what have you done?
I hope you have a great weekend and as we see a new beginning in a new month...I challenge you to make yourself your new put yourself answer and care for your love yourself enough to take good care of you.
Have a great weekend.
photo of frog was found on-line and it's origins are not known...editing is mine