As another week comes to an has your week been? Did you get through it with your sanity intact? Mine almost didn't make it.
It's been a busy week here for me and a recovering one as well. It took me a few days to get over last weekends beach, bbq and bonfire. Good thing for my needles and getting my juice...I'm feeling human again and ready to make some new memories.
I tend to ask a bunch of questions on Friday and it's meant to get you thinking about how you're living with your pain....questions like.....
- What do you need to help you heal from your week?
- What helps to calm and soothe your physical pain? (and I usually remind you too that pain isn't just physical it's mental and emotional too so be sure to take good care of those too eh?)
- What are your plans? Are you looking forward to your weekend plans? What can you do to help you plan for and prepare for pain so you can be as active as you're able?
- Did your needs make the list?
Give the questions some thought and please...go do something that makes you feel good...something that makes you smile...something that helps you to live beyond your pain...and then?...give yourself the time to recover...smiling at the memories you've made.
Have a great weekend.
Picture taken from Sassypants on Facebook...check the page out!