How was your week? Did you need some of your coping skills too? Did you use them? What did you use and did it help you? What did you do for you? (Nosy questions I know but give them some thought okay?)
I learned once again this week that I can have and use all the coping skills in my bag of tricks and even then...it's sometimes not enough...and sometimes...I have to dig a little deeper and try a little harder. I have to be more diligent with my thoughts and where I let them take me and I have to take care of me.
If your week has had you going through your bag of tricks and coping skills...please don't give up! Sometimes we have to dig a little deeper and try a little harder...AND...always remember...you are worth every effort you take for you! you are worth your time! and your needs need you...so take good care of them...and yourself too.
What can and what will you do for you this weekend to soothe and support yourself?
(HINT: it's a healthy healing goal and your needs are worth it! and so are you!)
I wish you a gentle weekend