Do you need the day off?
If you're nodding your head yes...give some thought to what you can do take care of your needs...mentally, emotionally, and physically too...what can you do for you.
If you're saying "I wish"...when will you take some time for you? When will you make some time for you? Your needs are important! and so is your healing. Find some time for you and do what you need for you.
A few things on my list today will be...to soak in the tub with some bubbles, a good book, a nap, my comfy clothes, my music, and some encouraging words that I am doing what I need for me and it's okay if the housework waits...it's okay if the only thing I do today is breathe...it's okay! it's healthy! it's important! and I will remind myself that I am doing the best I can and it's okay to take a break and to do the things that make me smile...that make me feel good...the things that help me to live beyond my pain.
if you can't take today as a day for you...when can you? and don't forget that even the few minutes in between are good minutes to refocus and to breathe...to talk encouragingly to yourself...to support yourself. It's not just the days we take for us...it's the minutes in between too.
Take good care of you and have a gentle day