I've gone for the echo cardiogram (ultrasound on the heart) and will get the results in three months. Yep! three long months to find out what if anything can be done for my heart.
In the meantime I'm to keep my stress levels down and that is something I'm struggling with as other things are also going on in my life. That being said...it's up to me to do what I need for me. Just as it's up to you to do what you need for you.
So as it's Friday...the norm goes that I ask a bunch of questions about how you will take care of yourself and your needs this weekend. How you will focus on your healing and what you will do to be as active and present in your life as you're able....what will you do for you this weekend?
I hope whatever you do that you find the time to make yourself smile...to soothe yourself mentally, physically and emotionally....
take good care of you this weekend