It's important during those days that you don't lose focus on your goals. It's easy to be discouraged sometimes. It can be hard to make the changes you want in your life, and there may even come a time when you've reached that final goal, only to find that it is still out of your reach.
To feel upset, angry, stuck, confused, lonely, or hurt is part of life too. It's okay to have a good cry about how life can just suck sometimes. It's okay to not be okay. During the tears, it can be easy to wage war against ourselves and that is not okay.
It's easy to get lost in the things that don't go right or the way we wanted them to go. Unfortunately that too is a part of life. Life happens and there are often barriers or rules or other things that can put a crimp in the plan. I came close to throwing out my plan this week and saying screw it. When I was done crying for all the things that had gone wrong in my life, I stopped and gave thought to all the things that have gone right in my life. And really? in the grand scheme of things, my life has been pretty awesome. Pain included.
Don't wage a war against yourself, you will be the biggest casualty.
Take good care of you okay?