I'm sharing it because there are times that when we fight so hard to keep it all together...we drive ourselves nuts saying "I can't fall apart".
But the truth is...yes we can...and it's okay to do so. Let me say it again...it's okay to shatter...it's okay to cry...and it's okay to let it all out....but you must get back up again too.
Holding things in doesn't help us move forward. We can't move on if we don't know why we're stuck in the first place. Explore your thoughts and feelings with criticism...is what you "think" to be true...really true or just rehashed versions of someone else's negativity? Let go of the negativity and believe in your own beauty.
When we break...when we shatter...we are often at what we "feel" is our lowest point. We think we can't possibly go on. But you know what? Not only can we go on...but we have. We're still here. Every time you shattered...every time you got back up again...you became stronger than you were before.
Don't be afraid to let more of your light and beauty in...release the dark and hurtful feelings and grab hold to the ones that make you feel empowered, supported, encouraged, loved, needed and wanted too. We have the choice which feelings we hold onto but we can't grasp the good ones if our hands are filled with what's keeping us back.
take good care of you please