Before we can make anyone else happy we need to learn how to do it for ourselves first. But before we can do this for ourselves...we need to believe that it's possible and that we deserve it.
Do you believe? I do! Are you deserving? Yes!
But what I think some people struggle with... is what it means to be happy in a world, in a body and in a life...filled with pain. Is this true for you? Be honest now okay? Is it true?
I know it was for me at the beginning. How could I possibly be happy with a life and body that hurt? How could I be happy with losing my job and all that I thought I was? How could I possibly ever be happy? But you know what? It's taken time and some tears too...but I can honestly say that even with a life and body that hurt daily...I am still able to be happy. Can you say that? What are you thinking about when you consider this?
Okay...so now that you have an idea of what makes you happy...what is stopping you from experiencing it over and over again? Don't tell me it's your pain okay? Cause that won't fly...we've been talking several months now about how you can plan, prepare and even soothe your pain...so I'll ask again...what is stopping you from experiencing the things in your life that make you happy?
There really is no acceptable reason for not making yourself happy. You can't claim lack of funds because it's not about the money. You can't claim lack of time...because it's up to you make it. And you can't claim it's because of others always demanding your time...because it's up to you to say no instead of yes sometimes.
Now I'm not saying that "happy" is the only emotion or feeling you should have in life. It's inconceivable that it would be...BUT...if we lose focus on what makes us happy....on what puts a smile on our silly lil hearts...it's easier to get lost in the other feelings that bring us down and which that causes us to wage a war against ourselves.
I truly believe that it's a conscious choice what you keep in your mind and thoughts...beliefs and behaviours...it's your choice. I know it's not an easy one...trust me I know...and I've got the scars to prove it... but it is a choice we can make for ourselves.
So...I'll ask again...what makes you happy in your life and what is stopping you from experiencing it over and over again? I hope you take some time today to do something that makes you happy. Whether that is to go for a walk in nature...to call a dear friend...to sit wrapped in your favourite blanket reading a book...a tub filled bubbles...or times with your family laughing silly...go do something today to make you happy. And then do it again tomorrow and the day after and the day after that.
Live in the moments that make you smile and enjoy your life...for that is true happiness in my opinion and it's certainly a gift we can give to ourselves and those we share our life with.
Take good care of you eh?