Some people think that just because it's the holidays, and just because they're feeling the "happy holiday feelings"...that everyone else is too...but that's not always true.
Truth is...not everyone has a big "happy" family. Truth is...some people find the holidays very hard. Truth is...the holidays are just something some people struggle to get through and can't wait for it to be over. Truth is...some people will be alone this holiday season. Truth is...some people will experience their "symptoms" even more during the holidays.
The holidays can bring many feelings and emotions with it and I ask that you give some thought to this this holiday season. Check on your loved ones, the neighbours you know are alone, be kind to one another as we're all doing just doing the best we can.
If you're struggling during the holidays...what can and what will you do for you to help you through it? (hint: make some of your coping skills portable so you can take them with you when you're having family time)
please take good care of you