When living a pained life, it's easy at times to isolate yourself from those you share your life with. You may also find that there are people too in your life who just don't understand. And then there are the people in your life you can turn to and they're always there to help, to lend an ear or give a hug when needed.
Take the time and think about the people in your life that have helped you. Who do you turn to?
Here are a few examples...
- Family doctor or your child's physician, nurse or secretary
- Psychiatrist
- Pharmacist – pharmacist aid
- Person(s) involved with your religious affiliation (Priest, Reverend, Minister etc) or other member(s)
- Support Groups – Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), Mental Health Groups, Bereavement Support, Gamblers / Addictions Anonymous
- Co-workers
- Employer's Employee Assistance Programs (EAP)
- Counsellors – employment counsellor, mental health counsellor, group facilitator
- Case Managers – Ontario Works (OW), Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) Employment Insurance (EI), Workplace Safety & Insurance Board (WSIB) or others as example
- Mental Health Distress Lines
- Crisis services
The most important thing about this exercise is realizing who is around you that you can go to for help or guidance when you are struggling. Each person is on your list for different reasons that only you know. Your comfort level will dictate how much you will share with each person. Only you can decide who to talk to and how much you are willing to share.
Living a pained life means we need help sometimes and there is no shame in asking for it. Who can you turn to for help when you need it?