We withdraw from our partners and our sexual selves...we shut down and we hide. Often we internalize these issues and we beat ourselves up for what we believe to be our failures and shortcomings. Is this true for you? Do you hide from your sexual self? How is your communication with your partner about your sex life? Are you still intimate?
Talking about sex and our own personal sexual choices, preferences and needs...is often a conversation many are scared to have. Is this true for you? How openly do you talk to your partner about sex? Opening the lines of communication can be daunting at times yes...BUT...we need to. Like all issues...if it's to be resolved...conversation needs to happen. We cannot fix what we do not acknowledge.
Yes, I know you live with a chronic illness, and yes I know it hurts at times to be sexually active...trust me I know...but I hope you will take the time to review the articles regarding sex and intimacy, and explore all the ways you can be more active with your partner and with yourself. When you know what makes you feel good...you're better able to communicate that.
Sex is a beautiful healthy and healing thing...don't hide from your sexual self...even when living alone. Just like you may have had to do other things in your life differently now that your illness is involved...so can your sex life be reconsidered. Don't hide anymore...explore and get to know your sexual self.
take good care of you and start talking okay?