When we are prepared for the ups and downs of our pain we are better able to manage how we live within our lives.
To live with the demands of time and pain, take a look at the following and see if any of the suggestions might help
- Is there a time of day that you seem to be able to function better? Some find that early morning is not good for high demand activities, but later in the day is better. If you can plan your high demand activities for the periods of your day that you are feeling better able to manage them, you may find it's easier to get the tough stuff done. When your pain is high, try activities that are low in demand for your physical abilities.
- When you plan for your day, give some thought to what tasks will cause you to experience more pain. Consider how you will deal with the pain. Can you take breaks during the task to rest or stretch? Knowing what causes you to experience pain and planning how you will deal with it, can help you to plan your day around your pain.
- Give some consideration to what you could use to make the task easier to complete. Can you make adaptions to your tasks to minimize their impact on the pain you experience?
- Is there someone who could help you? Often having an extra set of hands makes getting things done easier and quicker. Splitting chores or getting help is also something to consider
- Set realistic expectations for what you will accomplish in your day. Set a priority list for your days events, scheduling in the things you just have to do. Next, add in the things you would like to do if you have the time. If by the end of your day your “to-do list” is only “if I have the time ” things and you're feeling tired and ready for a break, take one – recharge your batteries when you need.
- Schedule yourself some “Me Time”. Even throughout a busy day, when you just have to get things done, scheduling in yourself some downtime to catch your breath and centre your thoughts, it will help you get through the rest of your day. Take five minutes if that is all you can manage, find a quiet place to just close your eyes and breathe.
- Sometimes when we take on a goal or task we don't realize the full implications of what is needed from us including the time needed to complete it. When this happens we often find ourselves under a great deal of stress to meet the deadline. When we're rushed for time, we often make mistakes we wouldn't normally make. Having all of the information about a task, and the time commitment needed prior to committing ourselves, can keep us from over committing our time.
- Get comfortable with saying the word “no”. Often we over-extend ourselves because we feel guilty or out of a sense of responsibility. Fear of having a loved one upset with us can also influence what we do. Set limits to what you can do, when you can do it, and how you can do it, and stick to them.
- Know your personal limits and abilities from day to day. There are days when you can push your limits and there are days when you need to take things slower. You know your body better than anyone. Listen to it. Nurture it. And most of all take good care of you. If you don't take care of you...who will?
- Schedule yourself some time for you to take care of your emotional and physical needs. When your emotional and physical tanks are empty, they're empty. Just like any other responsibility you may have, your emotional needs can't be ignored. Know what soothes you and calms you.
When you assertively and actively nurture and care for your needs and pain, balanced with the expectations of life on your time, you are better able to deal with the expectations that life brings.
take good care of you