I don't think this feeling is limited to introverts either...it's a human thing really. Has it ever happened to you? Have you ever felt overwhelmed by your interactions with others?
We are social animals and we do need each other to get through this thing called life...but there are also times when we just need to be alone.
It's doesn't make you anti-social either okay!?! It just means that you need some quiet time to be alone...to relax...to unwind...to gather yourself together...you just need time...alone.
When you're feeling at your limits keep in mind...
- for some this causes feelings similar to anxiety and feeling overwhelmed...remember to breathe...focus on slow deep breaths in and slow controlled breaths out...calm yourself
- remove yourself from the situation and/or environment...find a quiet place to gather yourself together...even if it's in the bathroom and you only have 5 minutes...take it!...step outside in the cold and breathe
- let the people around you know you need a quick break but will be back...use your words to communicate your feelings and your needs...YOU need the break...own that and take one
- talk calmly with yourself okay? this is not the time to beat yourself up for being "sensitive"...remind yourself that you're alright...you're safe...and you can handle this...breathe! practice your visualization for relaxation or meditation
- know your social limits and socialize within them...there will be days when you know you can't handle being around a lot of people for long periods of time...listen to yourself...make your visits shorter and more positive...plan a time to leave and if you're okay with staying longer...stay! but know too it's okay to leave when you're ready and needing to go
- know your daily limits and use your positive coping skills to soothe yourself before you've reached your "maximum level of people exposure"...you may be avoid it all together but if not? still use your skills to bring you back safely
- if you're going out...take some of your portable coping skills with you to help you along...music, candy, mint or gum, positive self-scripts, soothing scents, your positive thoughts and reminders note...carry with you and use anything that soothes you
- and if you can...try to remember what made you feel that way...was it a trigger? are you tired? was the environment too warm or too loud? Why are you feeling at your limits? The more you can understand them...the more you're able to work with them and live within them.
When you've reached your "maximum people exposure level"...be kind to yourself AND those around you. Take the break you need and focus on yourself. It doesn't make you selfish, it doesn't make you anti-social...it makes you human...and you are!
take good care of you okay?