On Sunday, I ran away to the beach. Now some might ask how can that wear you out? Well...I walked the beach a lot too looking for my driftwood, and it was a long drive both ways to get there...and even if I wasn't doing the driving? the sitting gets me every time. Even though I spent some time in the water soothing my joints and body, it was still a lot of activity. Another day spent outdoors doing what I love.
And yesterday? well...that was saved for all the household stuff I had ignored all week...the dishes finally got done!
Put three days back to back like that...and my body is now in park while my brain idles in neutral.
Ever have a day like that? Where you brain feels almost numb....your energy is gone....and your body can't be moved without it filing a complaint? That's how I'm feeling today. Now mind you I'm not complaining...I've earned this pain and the dead brain too...but my body needs me more than this website does today...so I'm taking a ME Day.
If you ever have days like this too...how do you handle them? how do you help yourself through them? how do you talk to yourself?
For me? when these days come...I do what I need to help me through. I soothe and nurture my body, while I'm mindful of my thoughts...and I do the things that make me smile, that make me feel good...and I do it without leaving scars behind now.
These days will come, and we can't stop living our lives doing what we love because of them either...BUT...and it's a big one....we can learn how to soothe and care for ourselves after.
If your brain is in neutral and your body is in park...what are you going to do for you today to help yourself through it?
take good care of you please