Now you may not call it "my insanity cycle" and truth be told I don't call mine that either...but...if I get lost in this cycle...I can feel like I'm losing my mind. Does it feel that way for you too? Like you're out of control, floundering in life, always going in a circle? What does this feel like for you?
What goes in the middle...will depend on what is happening in your life and there are many things that can cause us to be in this cycle. What causes you to be here? Do you know?
Some of the other life happenings that could find you in this cycle are...
- love and relationships
- trying a new "diet"
- quitting smoking
- changing unhealthy life-style behaviours or choices
- starting a new exercise routine
- finding successful alternative treatment(s) for your pain/illness
The above list is only a start and the thing is? there are many things and happenings in life that can start us on this cycle... LIFE happens! But if you ever experience this too...what do you do for you? How do you handle this?
Now I can't address all the reasons why this cycle may happen...but I would like to focus on one in particular... finding a workable treatment.
The first thing I'd say is never lose hope because even the smallest string is enough. Understand and accept that not everything you try is going to work and beating yourself up for that? for something you can't control? well that needs to stop! right now! Truth is...you will try so many different things and you may only find three or four that work for you. That's okay! it takes time to find what works best, but to beat yourself up for that? well that's not very loving of you.
It's okay to be disappointed. You were really hoping it would work. But it's okay that it didn't. Just means you have to keep trying. I know it's frustrating. You're tired and you want the relief and the help now! you have a life to live right? yes you do! SO...can you accept that just because something may not work for you...it does not mean you won't find something that will? Can you be patient? Can you keep trying without beating yourself up for something you can't control? Can you love yourself enough to do what you need to care for and support yourself without leaving scars behind? Can you change what you do for you?
When you can say "yes"...then you'll be ready for the recovery part of this cycle. When you can love and support yourself through even the failed attempts...you can recover. You can help yourself to heal. You can change things for yourself moving forward. You can love and accept yourself without putting conditions on yourself. You can!
We cant' stop life from happening...but we can change what we do about it. We can change how we respond, we can change how we talk to ourselves...there are things we can change. We don't have to get lost in the cycle. And getting out of it starts with our thoughts, our words, and our actions...it starts with us...and this IS something that is in our control to change!
Stop the anger...stop the self-destruction...it's okay to be disappointed but never lose hope! Keep trying and find what works best for you.
take good care of you please
meme found on-line - original source unknown