"If only you could"...
"If only you would"...
and all that fills the spaces in between...I remembered...the feelings of not being enough and the ways I ignored myself in the attempt to please others and to show them I'm worthy...like-able...dare I even say...love-able?
During my journey something snapped in me and things started to change. The tears came hard but it was a realization that I needed to come to....and then I I knew the truth.
When I came across this I thought it said it better than I ever could.
It may hurt...and it may hurt a lot...but one day you will realize that the only person you have ever needed was YOU.
Accept all that you are...and know that you only need your own approval...your own acceptance...and until you can give that to yourself...no one else can give it to you.
take good care of you please
Thank you to s.c. lourie...and butterfliesandpebbles/fb