Have you ever had days like this?...it's not really a flare day and you're not really feeling any extra pain either...your thoughts are good and your emotions are smiling...but your brain and body just feels... ...BLAH...and yes I'm sticking my tongue out as I say it...BLAH...brain and body collide.
Have you ever felt like this too? It's an uncomfortable feeling isn't it? I find it hard to understand how I can feel so many things all at once and all of them are contradictory to each other. Make no wonder people living with chronic pain feel like they're going crazy some days and drives us further into the depression of our pain, chasing our rabbits down the hole.
- What do you do? How do you soothe yourself when you feel...BLAH?...go for a soak in the tub, go for a walk or other exercise, go back to bed even...do what ever you need right now to comfort your needs.
- Are your choices healthy or do they leave scars too? do you hurt yourself when feeling this way? are you eating properly? are you using your prescription(s) or other substances to soothe this day? did you shower or get dressed?
- What words do you use to talk with yourself when feeling this way? do you talk with love, care and encouragement with yourself or do you beat yourself up for all you're unable to do at this particular moment?
- Who can you turn to talk to for support...for anything you may need? Your support system may be able to help...turn to them...let them know what you need from them and communicate your needs clearly using your "I" statements...I'm feeling (name feeling) and I'm wondering if you could help me with (name your need)...I'm feeling (name feeling)...do you have time to talk to me about it?...I'm feeling (name feeling) and I need (name need)...clear communication during this time is important.
I think these days are part'n'parcel to living a pained life. To have days when our bodies and minds collide and conflict with the realities of our life with pain. Be gentle with yourself when these days come...because they will come. Have a plan for dealing with them and make sure your plan will not leave scars behind too. These moments in our pain will pass...we just need to ride it out until it does.
take good care of you please