When life brings you something you'd rather not have...what do you do? Do you lament about how life is so hard? Do you think back to a time in your life that may be similar...to something you once thought you'd never get through but did? Do you remember your lessons?
Some of the best tools to get out of difficult situations are the lessons gained from the struggles you once thought you'll never get through.
What tools can you use now to help you? You have them! Do you believe that? Everything you thought you would not survive but have...has brought you here today. You are strong enough! Do you believe that? Use your tools and your lessons too and your words to power you through. Always remember...
Life will come with lessons and some hurt and pain too...but we will make it through. We are strong enough!
take good care of you eh?
picture taken by a friend W.Q. photo edit done by me and the quote is from Dodinsky