To me that is a powerful sentence.
We can't change our past...it's already happened.
We can go over it over and over again...but it still won't change things...it's already happened...it's been done.
When we live in the past...we're kept there...we don't grow...we don't heal...we become stagnant...we stop living.
When we live in the past...we miss out on our today... on our futures...we lose what could be for what was.
The past is not the future unless you live there. Your future is still in the making and it's something you can impact unlike your past (which already happened). Your future hasn't happened yet and it won't if you keep living in your past. Let go of what you cannot change and grab a hold of what you can...your days moving forward.
Our pasts are where we've been but it's not where we going. We cannot change what happened but we can change what we do about it and we can change how we let it impact us now. Leave your past where it belongs....behind you...and look towards what you have now and where you're going...and live it to the best of your abilities.
Are you building a future or reliving a past? only you know the answer to that...but I hope you choose you and I hope you choose your future.