Has your body image changed since your diagnosis?
When you stand naked in front of your mirror...what thoughts go through your mind?
Hard questions I know but please give them some thought and while you're at it...give thought too to where you may have heard the things you tell yourself. Why do you have the thoughts you do about your body image? Where did they come from? Give it some thought.
Is what you say your own words or are they the negative labels you've heard over your life time and then absorbed into your own? Be honest with yourself here okay?
Often what we say to ourselves when we're feeling or pain or the negative things in our lives is just rehashed negativity from someone else. When we take on these words, we give them more power than they deserve and we take away the power we do deserve...our belief in ourselves.
Our belief in ourselves and the words we use when we're talking to our-self, can either empower us through life or it can tear us down. Our body image is no different.
If your body image needs some rebuilding, give thought to the words you use when you see yourself. What do you need to hear instead? What words build you up and makes you feel good to be you? Explore those words instead!
Picture found at Teens Unlimited on Facebook