Pain is unpredictable. It can be a slow burning ache that burns for hours, or it can be an in your face deal with me now kind of thing. Pain can fluctuate throughout your day and with your activity. You can hurt even for doing nothing. Pain is unpredictable. It can interrupt an outing with friends, or an intimate moment with your partner. It can make life hard to plan for and be active in.
Pain is unpredictable. The best thing you can do with a life with pain, is do the best you can each day with what you can do. Learn to take it slow when you need and be okay with that! Be gentle with yourself. Accept that your pain is unpredictable. Once we accept things about our pain, it has less control and impact on our lives.
You can't predict life and you can't predict a life with pain. You can only take care of yourself as you need when you need it. There will be days when you can push yourself and your abilities and there will be days when you need to treat yourself with kid gloves. Learn the difference in those days for yourself. Your pain will have less control over you when you can.
take good care of you okay?