Thoughts of our past and for our future, worries of mistakes made and ones yet to come, fears of change and the unknown...and even more thoughts still...sometimes we can get tired just by our thoughts alone.
And you know what else I've noticed? This usually happens when we have little or no control over what we're thinking about. Ever notice that? The things you drive yourself nuts thinking and worrying over are things you can't change or control. You may wonder why...even plan conversations in your head...try to plan for all the possibilities...think about what would happen if things were different...but really? you can't change things can you?
- what did you do for you?
- how did you talk to yourself?
- who did you turn to for support?
or did you?
So...if you've ever felt tired from your thoughts alone...
- is what you're thinking about...worrying your control to change?
- if so...what can you do to change things?
- if not...what can you do to change how you respond to what's going on?
Often what happens in life...we have little control over it...BUT...we do have control over how we respond to those things in our life. We have control over how we respond to what happens.
So...if you're tired from your thoughts alone...
- what can you do to give yourself a break? from your thoughts, from your worries...take a break!
- remember not to beat yourself up for your thoughts...and don't believe everything you think either okay? talk nicely with you and remind yourself you can do this! you are strong enough and you can handle this! and whatever life brings!
- focus your energies on what you can change and learn to accept what you can' can't control life but you learn to support and control yourself and even your reactions too
- take the time to soothe and comfort gentle with you, your thoughts, and your needs too
- talk to your doctor if this persists or gets worse...sometimes when we're stuck we need outside's okay to ask for it and I hope you'll love yourself enough to do it
- get some rest...close your eyes and settle your mind...focus on your breathing...take a nap if you can
- do the things that make you smile...the things that make you happy to be you...the things that make feel to the people you trust and can count're not alone okay?
If you're feeling tired from your thoughts not beat yourself up for feeling this way...but do give some thought to what you can do to support yourself through it.
take good care of you eh? and be gentle with you