I am not a doctor. What you read here is my opinion only. I am providing this information for entertainment and personal use only. Do not use what you read here for self-diagnosis or change your medical plan of care without consulting with a medical professional. This information is provided as a tool to understanding the impact chronic pain has within your life, challenging your thoughts and beliefs, while providing support to make the changes you choose within your life.
Please remember that if you find that your behaviours are negatively impacting and/or controlling your life, please speak with your doctor or health care professional. Intense and intrusive thoughts and/or behaviours can be difficult to deal with on your own. You're not weak for asking for help. It is one of the strongest things you can do for yourself and those you share your life with.
I share this because there could be more to why you're feeling what you're feeling than you may realize. Medications although very helpful in many situations, can cause other problems and concerns that need to be discussed with your doctor. If you are struggling with your pain behaviours, please speak to someone.
take good care of you ok?