This information also comes in part from the PTSD group.
Lifestyle changes are the number one way we can start to de-stress our lives. "A healthy lifestyle is an essential companion to any stress management program and is extrenely important for many reasons. Lifestyle changes can have a dramatic impact on daily stressors while the other strategies are more personalized for individual needs."
Exercise - exercise is an effective distraction from stressful events - ever notice when your busy being active you're not thinking about what is going on in your world that is stressing you out? There's no time for it is there? Keeping ourselves active, and involved, is a good distraction from the everyday stresses of life. Exercise is also known to help lower blood pressure which is good for a stressed heart.
- sign up for aerobics classes at the gym
- brisk walking is an excellent aerobic exercise that is free and available to nearly anyone
- even short brisk walks ca relieve bouts of stress
- swimming is an ideal exercise for many stressed people, including pregnant women, individuals with musculoskeletal problems, and those who suffer exercise induced asthma
- Yoga or Tai Chi can be very effective, combining many of the benefits of breathing relaxation, and meditation while toning and stretching the muscles. The benefits of yoga may be considerable. Numerous studies have found it beneficial for many conditions in which stress is an important factor such as anxiety, headaches, high blood pressure, and asthma. It also elevates mood and improves concentration and the ability to focus.
Start small. Just 10 minutes of exercise three times a week can build a good base for novices. Gradually build up the length of these every-other-day sessions to 30 minutes or more."