"There is a sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness, but of power. They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues. They are messengers of overwhelming grief...and unspeakable love."
~~Washington Irving~~
Big girls do cry and so do men. There are many situations in our lives that we will be moved to tears, both good and bad. Our tears express our love, our joy, as well as our heartache and pain. With tears of pain, they are often tears for all the pain we have ever experienced in our lives. Having a good cry is healing, it's human, and once we've given in to the emotion we can move on and put our tears away.
A good cry is like a good rain....it's cleansing and refreshing...and after the rain...the flowers bloom. Release the emotions that you are holding in. Let them go and move forward in your life. Have a good cry when you need to and when you're done, give yourself a big hug and know that tomorrow is another day to try again.
take good care of you