While having the program reviewed I was told by a Psychiatrist that I was not qualified to write the program and that with the qualifications I do have, I shouldn't have been able to write it at all. I've got to say that I just love it when people tell me things I shouldn't be doing or shouldn't be able to do! It's usually the first thing I will go and do next just to prove you wrong. I was a handful as a child and can honestly say as an adult...I'm still a handful.
I'm sharing this part of my life with you because we are often told we "shouldn't" be able to do certain things in life , or that we just simply "can't" do them. I'd like to ask....says who?
What have you done in your life someone told you wouldn't or shouldn't be able to do? We are often more capable than we believe ourselves to be and definitely more capable than others give us credit for. Don't let what someone else thinks hold you back when something is important to you.
Who dictates what we should or shouldn't do in our lives? WE do!!