There is a certain feeling of serenity when you let go of the things you cannot change nor control. When you release yourself to acceptance of what is, you also release yourself from your past. You release yourself from its control.
The courage it takes to make those hard life choices and changes is within us. We just need to believe it, choose it and live it. The courage to leave what we cannot change behind us and strive forward. There are things in your life you have the power to change. Not only do you have the have the ability.
Now the wisdom? yeah that's the tricky part of this whole prayer. I think that's why I have it as a permanent reminder for me now. The wisdom to know what is within our power to change, and what is not. To know what to change and not always easy but it is possible.
May God grant you the serenity to accept the things you cannot change...give you the courage to change the things you can...and the needed wisdom to know the difference.
What do you have the courage to change in your life?