My daughter told me about a woman yesterday who also lives with chronic pain and has been trying to find ways to help herself manage her pain. One choice this lady ...let's call her Julie... chose to try were injections. Now this is something I've also chosen to try and do currently use as well, and I go to a pain clinic to receive them. There are also clinics within some hospitals here as well, where you can get injections and other treatments like infusions.
Well, see one day Julie went to the hospital to receive her injections and what has pissed me off so much with this is that the doctor at the hospital gave her a drug called Ketamine. Ketamine is common horse tranquilizer if you are unaware of what it is. Now some people are finding this to be of benefit and it may be.....BUT....when using a drug of this strength and type in humans, the effects need to be closely monitored....humans and horses are not the same!
Upon receiving her injection, Julie was released from the room and was allowed to leave the hospital and take herself home. What bothers me is that Julie couldn't even walk. Couldn't see straight and had double blurred vision. Julie is a small and tiny woman and was given enough medication to lay out a horse!! and was then left to leave walking holding onto the walls for balance.
WTH?!?! WHY?? why do the doctors dope people up so badly they can't even walk nor see straight? How is this allowing or providing someone to have a functioning life? Where does the doctor's responsibility end when it comes to providing safe administration of medication, care and monitoring of patient well being after providing treatment?
The biggest questions I have is when will we as humans stop putting ourselves through hell in the hopes of being pain free? When will we stop being guinea pigs for big pharma to test drugs on? When will we stop killing ourselves slowly?