What bothered me? Well, the title....Signs the pain is getting the best of you.
Seriously? if those are the signs that my pain is getting the best of me...might as well bury me now.
Sometimes? these signs are the sad truth of a hurting life...and NOT that our pain has gotten the best of us.
Sometimes we have to hibernate because the cold just hurts too much. Not that we don't want to be outside...it just HURTS! more than we're able to deal with so we make the choice to stay inside where it's warm.
Social interactions are all via social media on-line? Sometimes that's the only place we can find support and understanding without all the judgment. It helps to be in contact with people living a hurting life just like I am. They "get" me.
Tossing and turning trying to find a comfortable position to sleep in is the truth of a hurting body. It's not easy nor comfortable for us to find sleep when we hurt and often we can't sleep through the night. Yes it's frustrating for our partners....BUT....it's frustrating for us too. If you didn't already know...sleep and pain are NOT friends.
(I'm surprised the brainlessblogger didn't add not showering for days, or staying in comfies was a sign)
Sometimes not leaving the house for a week can actually be therapeutic! I'd call it strategic self-care. Sometimes our bodies are in a flare, sometimes we're trying a new medication and we feel "off", sometimes it's just too peoply out there and we need a quiet safe space to regroup and find our strengths again.
BUT!! does all this mean that our pain has gotten the better of us? NO!! it does not! Sadly....it's the truth of what life is like now that we're hurting. And thoughtless comments like this meme are what keeps many of us quiet and suffering silently.
So...no! I don't agree with the brainlessblogger. Not one bit.
But I will say this...there are signs that your pain may be getting the best of you...and some of them may be...
you have given up on your life
you don't care about yourself
you are hurting yourself because of the pain you're feeling
you attempt suicide (I hope and pray you're never successful)
No-one knows your life or mine but you and I. No-one can make a judgement on something they're not living. If staying in your jammies for a week is something you need to do for you? Do it! If you can find people on-line who understand, support and encourage you to do your best...keep them! If you need to stay inside for a week...be good with it! If you fall on the floor and contemplate staying there because it's just easier than having to get your body back up again...stay for a while! and have a laugh at your dark sense of humour.
Truth is, we're living a hurting life and it's ours to live to the best of our abilities. If YOU feel like your pain is getting the better of you I hope you'll do something about that. Speak to your doctor, talk with a counselor, find a good friend who will sit and listen, turn to the support of your on-line friends, take the time to do the things that make you feel good, that allow you to laugh and enjoy your life....but please....JUST DON'T give up okay?
take good care of you and each other