I think this is a human feeling, but if we're not careful, this feeling can be the start of our slide down into the deepest holes we have.
When we undertake the challenge of changing our personal habits and behaviours there will be days when the work seems harder than we're capable and the benefits seem less than their worth...but these days are the days when we need to hold on and remember all the reasons why we choose to take the chance to make the change....and that is for us! for a better life moving forward.
So if you're feeling like you're slipping...it's okay! remember why you're doing this...focus on your needs soothing yourself and talk encouragingly with yourself during this time. Yes you are tired...and I know it hurts...but you can't give up. Three steps forward and one step back is not a reason to throw away your efforts.
Have a good cry...throw yourself a rockin F&^K the World party and let yourself feel. When you're done? Pick yourself back up and refocus your energies and go at the world again. You can make the changes you want for you. It will take time and yes you will be tired of always trying...but we really only fail when we give up...and you're not giving up...you're taking a break to gather your strength again...and that is okay!
take good care of you and know you're doing the best you can each and every day...every day won't be perfect but we can find some perfect in every day...look for it...live it...let it bring you the strength you need to keep going...because it's in you...you just have to believe it!