I think we all would like a massage some days (or at least I would) but are you in need of a little "me" time?
When living a hurting life like ours...we need some down time...time to gather our strengths, time to relax our bodies, time to settle our thoughts...we need time.
Some say they can't take the time...I disagree.
Some say their needs aren't important...I disagree.
Some say there just isn't enough time in the day...yeah I disagree with that too.
No...you can't order your "me" time...but...you can choose to give it to yourself. No...it may not always come with a massage...but it will come with what you choose to do for you. It's a choice and it's yours to make.
If you're in need of some "me" time...choose you and give yourself the time you need to do what makes you feel good...the things you need that help you to heal...you can do this for you.
take good care of you eh and schedule some "me" time...it's a feel good healing thing and you need this
picture found at SmartAssy on Fb