Has this ever happened to you? Can you feel it coming? It's almost like a physical and emotional slide and things come crashing down...all systems failed. Body hurts, emotions do too and thoughts are heavy.
How do you stop the hurt? or do you? or do you make the pain worse?
I think there are times when no matter what we do for ourselves...this slide will come and we just have to hang on. We have to take the time for us and our needs...we have to be careful of our thoughts...and we have to be extra loving to ourselves.
what coping skills can you turn to?
journal your thoughts and feelings...talk to a trusted friend or family member...music and art therapy, crafts and hobbies...have a bubble bath, read a book....do the things that make you smile...that make you feel good... the things that allow you to enjoy your life...even the little things too...and laugh!
where can you go?
do you find comfort in nature? what place brings a feeling of calm for you? think of that place and even if you can't go there...think about it...remember the smells, the sights, the sounds...allow just the thoughts to calm and soothe you...remember your breathing
what can you do for you?
soothe, support and care for yourself and your needs without beating yourself up for feeling this way...don't invite the negative thoughts to stay and when they do remind yourself of all the good in your life and who you are...because you are more than you think! right now
who can you turn to?
who do you trust to hold your secrets? who can you can count on for support and help? have you reached out to your doctor? community supports? crisis lines/intervention supports? (there is help but you have to ask for it)
We may feel the slide coming and there may be even be times when there is nothing we can do to stop it from coming...BUT...there are things we can do for ourselves when it comes. Find what works for you and what helps you through and...
Please...love yourself enough to care for you and your needs without beating you up for being here.